The Ratskó-Bau Kft., established in 1998 by two private persons, is a limited company for building industry and prime enterprise. The main profile of the company is planning and execution especially external and internal tiling. Its average staff comprises 35 to 40 tilers who possess all machinery and hand operated tools necessary for high quality work.
Among the customers of the R-Bau Kft. there are first of all companies and concerns of worldwide and European reputation, national trade and catering companies and private customers requiring high quality execution work.
Our company has got the quality insurance system ISO 9001:2008 registered and certified by SGS YARSLEY. The operation in the above system assures the smooth, constant, qualified performance of the staff, the accurate delivery in time and the high quality building-in of first class quality materials and products.
In our work we use the ISO 9001:2008 Standard to controll and supervise the internal procedures.This is constantly required by our demanding partners when checking at the takeover.
The policy and confession of faith of our company concerning quality is that we are only able to form fruitful business connections on the long term if we fulfil the international quality requirements.